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Búsqueda por autor: James, Jamie.
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The music of the spheres : music, science, and the natural order of the universe

Jamie James.

New York : Copernicus, 1995, ©1993.

xv, 262 págs. : ilustraciones ; 24 cm.

ISBN: 0387944745

Publicado originalmente: New York : Grove Press, 1993.

Resumen: "For centuries, scientists and philosophers believed the universe was a stately, ordered mechanism—-mathematical and musical. The smooth operation of the cosmos created a divine harmony (perfect, spiritual, eternal) which composers sought to capture and express. With 'The Music of the Spheres', readers will see how this scientific philosophy emerged, how it was shattered by changing views of the universe and the rise of Romanticism, and to what extent (if at all) it survives today. From Pythagoras to Newton, Bach to Beethoven, and on into the twentieth century, it is a spellbinding examination of the interwoven fates of science and music throughout history."—Contratapa.

Incluye referencias bibliográficas (p. 243-247) e índice.


  • 1. The Great Theme
  • 2. Pythagoras, the Master
  • 3. Plato and the World Soul
  • 4. "The Key to the Universe"
  • 5. The Renaissance Musici
  • 6. The Music of the Spheres and the Birth of the Opera
  • 7. The Hermetic Tradition
  • 8. Kepler Pythagorizes
  • 9. Newton and The Magic Flute
  • 10. The Romantic Anomaly
  • 11. Schoenberg and the Revival of the Great Theme
  • 12. Into the Future.
Registro 003334 · Modificado: 31/07/2018

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